Wednesday 4 January 2012

Layout Option 3

And another variation with fewer points. Most likely the best so far.


  1. I like the longer tram track

  2. We have a pretty extensive yard based on Gosford station with something like 10 points in the yard itself. We've found that switching them all is very problematic so I like the idea of less points (cost aside!)

    One solution we've seen work well at a exhibition, is to use a DCC controller that uses macros so that you can program a "route" which automatically switches the points you want. Of course this means electrifying the points (more cost and compexity!) and in your case, means that you'd need to write the logic into your controller - a worthy project perhaps?

    btw - what are you using to do the layouts? I'd like to do a schematic of our layout to share...

  3. Oh, are you going to use a catenary system for the tram? That would be very very cool...

  4. I'm using RailModeller 4.0.2 to do the CAD work.
    Caternary - Hmmmm...$$$$$

  5. Nice. I reckon you need a set of reverse points between the inner and outer loops, otherwise you're reversing either on or off the outer loop?

  6. I like it too. Like AJ I wondered about the outer loop needing additional points, till I ran things clockwise instead of anticlockwise - that seems to work well, up to a point. You can run to the outer loop clockwise and leave it out there, while running anticlockwise on the inner sections. But getting to the outer loop will make some nice signaling problems on the inner loop - you're using it in two directions. Plus your outer loop train can't get back without reversing. You could do that in the hidden section on the right though, rather than in front of you?

    Nice to see the turntable and larger yard. You might want to streamline the path from the turntable to the station, it has 4 short trips?

    If you want to reduce the feeling of clutter, perhaps move the yard/turntable to the top left (more at a 9 o'clock position from the inner tight curve) and give yourself more scenery between the yard and the station? Track at the back looks less imposing than track at the front. You'd also save on one set of points if you ran from the yard onto the curve directly?

    I need an elegant way of extracting the plan, scribbling on it and then posting it :-)

    Since I'm not a Mac person I can't use RailModeller. For those interested, I'm checking out AnyRail and WinTrack, both of which have good and bad points (scuse the pun). I wonder if they can exchange layouts...

    Oh - can you get your hand to the far back corner? Is that up against a wall, and underneath a city?
